Thursday, January 27, 2011

New 'Cars' Movie Tent

We bought Torin a brand new 'Cars' movie tent at Target this week and it is a hit to say the least.  Anything to do with the movie 'Cars' is the coolest thing in Torin's world lately.  He's addicted to 'Cars' movie characters, items, etc.
 He asked me to take some photos of his new tent today, so here you go!

Of course he does share the tent with his brother and sister.  And to our knowledge, only Ella has been drug out of the tent by her leg thus far to Torin telling her she couldn't be in his tent at that particular time.  :)

1 comment:

Leisa Dreps said...

Haha... the kids are so cute! I can tell from the pictures that they love the new tent designed with themes from "Cars."