Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This is the battle for Cooper's bed, which Torin won. He loves playing with Cooper's bed and taking it away from him. Cooper is very patient with T which Paul and I are very thankful for.Are you ready for this mobile guy to be at your homes Grandpa's and Grandma's? We are on our way so get the baby gates ready!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cute Smile...but NO teeth?

Dear Tooth Fairy,

It is going to be very difficult one day to get some money for my baby teeth falling out if they never come in. My piggy bank is low and going to be in need of some funds for college. Could you please ask the person in charge of giving me teeth to get on the stick because I would like to enjoy eating some steak this summer with my new teeth. Thank you for passing this message on to the person in charge of incoming teeth.


Torin Patrick Bartmann

Mommy's Work Party

We had Mommy's end of school year work party on Wednesday evening and I was able to play with Jake. Jake is five days younger than I am and we had a great time together. We shared our toys and everything. Jake crawls a little better than me and I walk a little better than him so it was a good match. It was pretty sunny out so I was squinting my eyes on this one, but Mommy thinks it is cute!
It was so funny watching the two boys interact with one another. I wonder what they were talking about? :)

Splish Splash

It was ninety plus degrees here earlier this week so Mommy thought she'd let me splash water all over the place outside with her pots and pans. It was a lot of fun. We also bought my very first swimming pool this week. I can't wait for Daddy to blow it up so I can use it for the first time!
My little ducky..

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bike Riding with Daddy

We got home from the zoo yesterday to find out the UPS man had delivered my latest present. Daddy bought me a rider to go behind his bike. Both Daddy and I can't wait to get this out on the road and test it out!

First Trip to the ZOO!

Yesterday Mommy, Daddy and I went to the zoo for the first time. It was an awesome family day together.
Mommy and me next to the BIG gorilla! Mommy is very glad glass is separating us!
Graham cracker and water break!
The lizard needed his snack too...mice and fish. I was too busy watching all the boys say, "look at the blood!" and "he swallowed that mouse whole!" to pay attention to the lizard. Only a couple more years and it will be Mommy trying to drag the little boy away from the gross blood and guts....oh joy!
I loved touching all the plants and greenery. Mommy doesn't let me touch her plants so this was a treat!

Me and Daddy by the giraffes!
Me and Mommy by the goose pond...I wanted to go in the water so bad!
We were at the zoo for over two hours today and I was a happy camper the whole time. The animals were okay but you should have seen all the kids! I love to look at kids and watch what they do! I can't wait till I'm a big boy like them!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dirt....and Planting Flowers

This, ladies and gentlemen, is my scream face. I enjoy screaming at many things...the dog, toys, etc., and then I laugh and laugh at how funny I am.
I 'helped' Mommy plant flowers yesterday. I was able to eat my first ever handful of dirt...not bad...I prefer meat or veggies though. :)
Mommy thought she would let me play with the flower containers until I tried drinking out of them like I do with adult water glasses now. Needless to say I didn't get to play with the containers very long.
Mommy's flower bed...
I love being outside...that is until the lawn mowers or other motorized lawn care machines come out. They sound like the vaccuum which I am also no longer a fan of.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

9 months old

Tomorrow our little man turns 9 months old. I cannot believe he is this old already. We had our 9 month well-check doctors appt. yesterday and here are the stats on this handsome boy...

Height - 28 1/4 inches - 52%ile
Weight - 22 lbs. - 75%ile
Head Circ. - 18 1/2 inches - 90%ile

He didn't get any shots yesterday. YAY! The doctor says he is growing perfectly (which Mommy and Daddy already knew). He has four teeth that we can see in his gum lines just waiting to break through. We hope it will be TODAY so we can finally sleep through the night again!
I love his facial expressions! I get the camera out and tell him "say cheese" and he gives me the cutest faces.
We are so in love with this little boy! Happy 9 months, T.
Mommy and Daddy

Me and My Daddy

I love my Daddy. We have so much fun together and he makes me laugh all the time.