Thursday, August 28, 2008

Three Weeks Old Today

Well I've made it to three weeks today and I must say all this growing really wears a guy out. I've been so good these past couple of nights and have moved my long sleeping and eating stretches over the night times. Mommy is only having to get up twice now to feed me...usually between 12 and 1 and then between 5 and 6. She says she can really handle this schedule if I keep it up.
I go back and forth with Paul on whether his eyes will stay blue or go brown. They are such a dark blue right now that some days they look brown to me. Time will tell I guess, but we think he is just adorable!


Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, he really is adorable!

What would we do without this blog??

We love you guys!
Gramma Kelly

Cindy said...

Just adorable! He is sooo handsome, I tell ya, if we ever put Kaitlyn and him together... WATCH OUT!!! LOL. Aren't I bad, trying to set up our little one's together already... HEE HEE.

Cindy & Kaitlyn