As many already know, I joined a fertility blog a few years back when we were trying to conceive Torin. This past weekend we were able to meet up in Elkhart, IN. for Maria's baby shower. She is having twins this coming winter.

From Left to Right: Me (from Denver), Kim (from Albuquerque), Maria (guest of honor, Elkhart), Cindy (Chicago), and Wendy (Baltimore). There are many more of us, but some couldn't make the trip. It was wonderful to finally meet up and have our little ones play together.

Torin and Anna (Wendy's daughter, 18 months old)

Kaitlyn (Cindy's daughter, 18 months) and Torin playing with Bella the dog. Torin tormented Bella just as he does Cooper. Thankfully Bella is just as tame as Cooper is.

Miss K

Chasing Bella.

K and T enjoying bath time at the hotel.
Thanks again for making the trip and for making me feel so loved. It was great to meet you and Mr. T. He is such a ham. I am glad he enjoyed watching my daughter bathe even though he is already "taken" by Miss Kaitlyn. LOL
We are in the same boat now, so i hope I hear from you soon. (((HUGS))))
LOVE these pics!!!!
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