Wednesday, December 1, 2010

6 Month Stats

We had the twins in today for their 6 month well-checks. We weren't able to give them shots as Ella has the flu and Logan is just finishing up antibiotics for an ear infection (yes, our house is a big ball of fun right now). Other than the recent illnesses attacking our house, they both are extremely healthy.

Ella - Weight - 15lbs 6.5oz - 45%ile
Height - 26" - 50%ile
Head Circ. - 16 1/2" - 50%ile

Logan - Weight - 19lbs 6oz - 77%ile
Height - 27 1/2" - 90%ile
Head Circ. - 17 1/2" - 75%ile

I decided to post the family's stats at 6 months since I was looking through all of our baby books today.

Torin - Weight - 18lbs 11oz
Height - 26 1/2"
Head Circ. - 18"

Paul - Weight - 18lbs 8oz
Height - 27 1/4"

Carrie - Weight - 18lbs 14oz
Height - 26"

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Love that you have all the stats!!!! I can't believe little Ella is getting so big... I'm happy to see she seems to be growing. Love my little ones!!!