Tuesday, June 3, 2008

29 week belly shots

Well we thought it was time to update the belly photo again since the last photos were taken at week 23. So here we are 6 weeks later...

I'm still carrying all in the front. He's growing like a weed. I'm still amazed that my stomach can expand like this. I keep telling Paul that there is no way I can get any bigger but I'm managing to do so...it could be the mint bonbon ice cream that I can't seem to get enough of!!!


Debra said...

Lookin' good! But for some reason you look smaller to me.

Anonymous said...

I hope I look as good as you do someday when I am that pregnant! You look great Carrie...miss ya!

Anonymous said...

WOW you look beautiful, and I'm not just trying to get some chocolate. Our daughter is gorgeous even pregnant. Wish I could feel that little boy moving. Lots of love MOM.

Heather said...

Carrie you look just beautiful! Mommy hood is doing you right! It gets even better when you can snuggle that little guy right up!

The Bartmann Family said...

Thanks all for the wonderful comments! It is nice to hear those since I won't be putting on the bikini at the pool this summer! :)