Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Does the rain stop this 13 month old from standing at the window by the door crying to go outside? The answer...NO! So we obliged thinking he'd want to come back in after a minute or two since it is wet, cold, icky, etc. Again, this was not the case. He loves being outside...evidently in any weather situation. What are we going to do this winter when it gets cold? I guess we'll be investing in some heavy duty winter clothing in the near future since nothing will stop this little boy from going outside.
We're learning how to play basketball too. Dribbling is what he loves to do.
Of course with how steep our driveway is, you can often see Mommy chasing into the street after the ball.
Yes, we can pick the ball up too, but it is oh so heavy.
Run, run, run. We are so very active and busy these days.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I can't believe how adorable my SIL is.....