Monday, March 22, 2010

26 weeks 3 days

In case you can't tell where the babies are, Torin is pointing to them for you! :) As of this past Thursday (26 week doctor's appt.), I am measuring 39 weeks pregnant. That's right, I'm full-term with a singleton right now. This is how big I was with Torin when I delivered him. I've gained 25 lbs. thus far and imagine I will easily hit the 40lb range by the end of the pregnancy.

This is officially my last week of work. My OB is signing my work restriction papers at my 28 week appointment on the 31st of March. My anemia isn't any better (not any worse, but not better either) and with how big I'm getting, it is getting more and more difficult to move around. I don't have to be on bed rest as of now and am hoping to make it to the end with only work restriction and modified bed rest. We get to see the babies again on the 31st with a full ultrasound, so I'll have their weights, etc. at that time. I'm guessing they are both moving over the 2lb range about now.


Unknown said...

Carrie, you are looking great! We have been thinking alot about you...Hang in there girl!

~ Maria ~ said...

Carrie you look wonderful! Torin is going to be amazed when those babies are out of that tummy! Make sure you get lots of pics of him kissing that belly!

Your pregnancy is flying by for me...keep up the good work!