Friday, April 16, 2010

30 Weeks 1 Day Doctor's Appt.

Today I was able to spend three hours between the doctor's office and hospital again. It is starting to become a ritual for me these days. I started with my routine ultrasound this morning and both babies look wonderful.
Baby Girl - 3lbs 11 oz and is measuring in the 50th percentile on the growth chart. She is measuring right at 30 weeks 4 days and is right on track with my due date since I'm 30 weeks 1 day today.
Baby Boy - 4 lbs 7 oz and is measuring in the 65th percentile on the growth chart. He is measuring about 32 weeks right now and is right on track with being big just like his older brother was.
The weights are getting a little further apart, but they aren't concerned at this point as long as baby girl keeps growing along with my due date. Concern would come in if baby boy continues growing rapidly and she would slow in her growth percentages. At this point, we are going to have a big baby boy coming out and a more petite little girl.
Mommy - tested negative again today for gestational diabetes and my iron counts have went up some!!!!!! What a miracle! I am still anemic so will remain on prescription iron for the duration of the pregnancy, but the thoughts of needing a blood transfusion at delivery are much less now if my counts can continue to stablize and even grow more. I have gained a couple more total is now 28 lbs for the pregnancy and I am measuring a WHOPPING 42 WEEKS PREGNANT. I thought my shirts were getting snug! We have moved to weekly doctor's appointments for the duration of the pregnancy and ultrasound checks every two weeks.
Because I am measuring so big(full-term) and contractions have started on a fairly regular basis now, my OBGYN decided to play it safe and I'm getting the steroid shots to help with their lung development in case an early delivery is needed. I received one today and have to go to the hospital for the second one tomorrow. This doesn't mean I can't make it to 37 weeks, we are just being cautious since I'm starting to show some signs that I could go into labor early which is completely normal for a twin pregnancy. Our next appointment is in a week and I'll try to have Paul take some photos of me this weekend for a belly shot update.

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