Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Herding Christmas

Since South Dakota had a blizzard over Christmas, we were snowed in at Grandpa and Grandma Herding's house for a few days. Here is a recap...
We opened lots of presents of course.
Skyler received lots of new puzzles and games to put together and play.
Torin was a BIG helper when it came to playing the games.
Can you tell by this face how BIG of a helper he was? :)
Grandpa's dog, Jax, even got to come in the house for a bit to warm up. Torin loved this obviously since dogs are his favorite thing.
Torin even got his first sled ride during the storm with Skyler.
It was still snowing pretty good out, so it was hard to see with the snow in our faces. We were only out for a few minutes, but T loved each minute out there.

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