Friday, January 29, 2010


I so wish there was a better title for this entry. Torin has been struggling with this word for three months now. No, not saying the word 'poop', actually being able to go to the bathroom is the problem. The issue started getting bad around his 15 month well-check appointment. I brought it up to our pediatrician and he said to start Mirilax with him once a day to see if that would help. Unfortunately, it didn't. Torin had gotten up to having 10-12 small BM's a day and was struggling to get each and every one of those out. His temperament didn't change during the day, but we started seeing a big change in his naps and sleeping habits at night. We (mostly Paul) were getting up with him 4 and 5 times a night with stomach cramping and there were nights where he'd be awake for two to three hours at a time. I brought him back to the doctor a week ago Tuesday (the 19th) and our pediatrician was worried. Torin actually went through his 'trying to poop' routine while the doctor was in the room so he got to see first-hand what we were dealing with. He ordered lots of tests, x-rays and blood work to be done. The tests came back strep infection or blood in his stool. The blood work came back Chrone's Disease or Ciliac Disease. The x-ray, however, showed that he was completely full of poop...literally. So we were referred to a Gastroenterologist to see what the problem is. We will be seeing this specialist on the 24th of February. He will be checking for strictures and many other things that I can't pronounce nor spell for that matter. Until then, we have T on Mirilax twice a day, have to chart all of his BM's (when he has them, the size, etc.) and hope we can figure out what the problem is soon. Mirilax twice a day is helping some. With the exception of last night, he has been sleeping through the night again and taking better naps for the past week. Last night was a rough one again, which is why I'm reminded to write this post.
We will keep you updated with how things turn out after our appointment on the 24th. We hope this issue, whatever it may be, will be fixed soon.

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