Saturday, May 29, 2010


Logan made another milestone last night by surpassing his birth weight. He was 5lbs 13oz last night (5lbs 12oz at birth). He also has hit the magic number of taking 60cc's (2 oz) of milk every three hours for the past couple of days now. Logan's umbilical cord also fell off this morning and he no longer fits in preemie clothes. He is in full newborn size now.

Ella is right behind him. She weighed 5lbs 3oz last night (5lbs 4oz at birth). We are hoping she hits her milestone tonight. She is up to 55cc's every three hours so is very close to the magic number of 60cc's. She does drink 60 quite frequently, but her goal is still 55 at this point.

(These notes are more for me since I haven't had a chance to buy their baby books yet! I'll need to go back and read these posts to fill them in later on.)


Jennifer Terrero said...

So happy that they are doing so good! I'm checking in on them like crazy and rooting them both on! Prayers!

Cindy said...

YAY.. Way to go Logan and Ella!!!! You are doing so well!!! Hugs!